Ready to transform handwriting across your school?

Have you noticed children struggling more since the pandemic?

Do you have underlying anxiety about how to affect change?

Better Handwritten supports schools to provide high quality teaching for all.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to impact your staff and pupils!

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    Better Handwritten

    Hi, I'm Nicky Parr.

    I work with schools to develop knowledge & systems, and provide the resources & on-going support needed to establish high quality handwriting teaching and achieve transformative results.

    This is about empowering leaders, teachers, support staff, pupils and parents... the whole school community.


    “We really benefit from access to Nicky and her expertise. I love the WhatsApp group chat. It’s so quick and easy.”

    - Abbey

    "I think about handwriting before Nicky came... it's moved so far, it's improved so much. I wouldn't want to lose access to her guidance. I want to carry on learning." - Joe

    Year 6 Teachers & Handwriting Leads

    * except July, August & December